Wednesday 27 June 2012

All Things Crafty.

Well here is my first post on my new crafty blog. It's taken me weeks to decide on a name for my new crafty enterprise and while I wanted a catchy name I also didn't want to make it too specific because I love to try different things. The first crafty project I will be trying is willow weaving, specifically I'm going to go at learning all about making willow plant supports. I love the natural look in my garden and have always wanted some lovely decorative willow supports to grow my peas and beans up but all attempts thus far have ended up being held together with gargantuan quantities of garden twine. With this in mind, I have enrolled one one day course with Cornish Willow this Friday and ultimately, this what I'm hoping to achieve (picture added from the Cornish Willow website) ....... So watch this space.

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